I thought that snobby Stephen Fowler was the worst that ABC and Wife Swap had to offer. I've been duped.
Meet the Guastaferro family of Amherst, New York. Mom Karen has groomed her daughter to be another
Miss Teen South Carolina. Dad Ralph is a sexist pig who would rather hire people based on their looks and not their job skills and feels it's his job to degrade women. Daughter Alicia is a spoiled rotten "princess" who can't even do her own homework.
Then there's the Boss family. Mom Angie is a Quaker pastor homeschooling her children and teaching them to be intelligent, independent women. Her youngest daughter Clara is discouraged from playing dress-up. Her oldest daughter Kaylyn doesn't think public school is right for her.
Let's watch and see what happens:
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V One line that was said by Angie Boss hit right on the nose. When she's lecturing Ralph about doing Alicia's homework for her and trying to convey to Alicia how wrong it is, she says, "That's saying it is okay to cheat and lie to get what you want."
Which is why I brought up this episode to begin with.
Currently, Alicia Guastaferro has a lawsuit against ABC, Disney (parent co.), REF Media USA, Inc., and RDF Media Limited for $100 million for "public ridicule and scorn, irreparable damage to her reputation, death threats, harassment, physical assaults at school, and severe emotional distress". You can read the lawsuit
here. Alicia, now 18 years old, had to transfer to another school because of the backlash against her after the show aired. The lawsuit alleges that the producers of the show made her and her family do and say certain things. For example, the Christmas tree in the family's living room. Alicia states the producers purchased and wrapped a gift and instructed her on how to act and what to say when she opened it. She also states the allegations that her parents did her homework for her isn't true.
The lawsuit is questionable considering it comes on the heels of her parents both pleading guilty to money laundering to the tune of $1.2 million in a Canadian telemarketing scam. They've also been accused of cooking the books at their glass-tinting business. Some say the lawsuit is another way for the family to get money and continue the life that their accustomed to. It's also ironic that Alicia threatened to sue Angie Boss on the show for ripping up one of her pageant photos. Were the Guastaferro's a lawsuit-happy family from the start?
Judge for yourself. Do you think the Gustaferro family is acting, or is Alicia a spoiled teen filing a false claim in court?