Gordon and the Breathalyser Kiss.....

Feb 20, 2019 08:11

As we know, Gordon's response to seeing Allyson puking her guts out because she can't handle her MD 20/20 or whatever is not to do the sensible thing Mike talked him out of doing back when they were at the bleachers and quietly tell an authority figure about the problem and let him or her handle the situation discreetly. What our boy does is act like a sitcom moron and call her a cab like a dumb kid is going to because he saw it on TV so he can go right on fantasizing about her like so much Assthony expecting that saving Liz from drowning means that she's obliged to him.

The reason that I mention this is not to talk about how the people in this strip all regard getting to know who the Hell the person they're fixated on as a last resort imposed on them by evil people. What I want to talk about is that Gordon was so busy imagining her being Harriet to his Ozzie that he didn't understand what the Hell what was going to happen to Allyson when she came home reeking of cheap plonk. His media-generated fantasy of what her home life is probably like blinds him to the fact that she's an eighth-grader who got talked into making a fool of herself over That Boy and that her parents see That Other Boy as That Boy's stooge meant to clean his messes. I mean, that's what I'd think if I saw a scruffy loser drop my kid off home being a big-shot. I'd think that he's Peter's clean-up crew and say so......thus her coolness towards him.....

amazonian catfish tinfoil hat

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