{x posted from UndulatingUngulate}
Hey. You can
listen to a bunch of songs by my new band This Charming Mystery at our myspace page, which has just gone live. If you are a msypace-enabled person you can add us as a friend and make us look loved.
But yeah.
Head on over and have a listen. Tell us what we sound like, because it’s a bit of mystery to me. There’s quite a bit of variety in there. (And for those wondering, it’s a million miles away from what Idle Faction were doing ;) TCM is a mostly instrumental 3 piece doing… well. Go find out :) I am guitars and occasionally vocals when there are vocals.)
I’d recommend maybe Kilimanjaro, Seems That Way, Portobello Road or Monday Morning Traffic to start with. But then I’d recommend all of them…
[By the way, this LJ account is basically not used for blogging any more, just reading and commenting. You can add the LJ feed from my real blog by going to
http://syndicated.livejournal.com/undulung_ljfeed/ and adding it as a friend. :) ]