anyone hungry?

May 24, 2005 19:18

If you ever wanted to eat human flesh, but were afraid to hunt and kill your own, check out hufu.

In other food news, rats fed GM corn developed abnormalities in their internal organs and blood compared to control rats. If it does this to rats, what will it do to humans?

This reminds me of the Royal Commission Crown Inquiry Thingumy I went to about GE in NZ - way back in 2000, maybe, or whenever - and seeing the scientists presenting evidence against GE, including Dr Arpad Pusztai, who found very similar results from feeding GM potatoes to rats (really alarming changes in internal organs etc), and was hounded out of his job and career as a result of going public, as the university research circuit is largely funded by the same corporations who will profit from GM.

It reminds me of Vandana Shiva's writings on food, which I blogged about back here, about how our choices as consumers are a vital part of our food production.


(This is still not a return to blogging. Dammit.)
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