So, I finally got some real shop time in this weekend. Did some carving (Simple oak leaves) with the new gouges - very cool. Started a chair for Vic based (loosely) on this one. No Tom, not what you think. I used the style from it to make a scaled down armless chair with a woven seat.
I'm still debating doing the mortise and tenon on one end of the seat rails with a round tenon on the other (see ) but I think it might be overkill on this one. I've always wanted to do the joinery that way, but I think it'd work better on a chair with arms because otherwise, there's not enough wood on the front post (unless you like the posts jabbing you in the back of the leg).
It'll be ash - go figure. I still have a stash of ash I picked up for free some time ago when one of the local guys was cleaning out his storage area.
Speaking of sweet deals on wood, I was at Northland last week getting some 5/4 Walnut and mentioned to the checkout guy that the 5/4 was so bad (looking either beaver chewed or waney (a good candidate for an arched door, perhaps)) that I had to snag a piece of 6/4. He agreed and gave me the 5/4 for free. Since the 5/4 was 9+ feet long and about 8" wide, this did not suck.