May 02, 2004 19:27
So i just finished writing an entry, but then it did something weird and now it's gone. but that's ok. I hope you're all doing well and i can't wait to see all of you tomorrow. I still haven't quite figured this website out yet, but i'm working on it. ~Anyway, Rachel I'm very proud of you for not falling at the ice skating rink, if only we could say the same for Fernie.... but anyways, Paul thank you so much for opening your home to all of us, and Ian thanks for setting this up for me, even though I still have no idea how this works. I'm really tired but really energized right now, how weird is that? Oh, and could I please get a copy of the Kairos music CD from whoever is making them cuz i would really really like one please. And GO SEE THE CHOIR CONCERT!! Alexis and melissa and I will be singing and we would all like for you all to go so please please go!! Well I should go do the homework that i put off all weekend, Good Nights guys, Love you!! ~Drea