It was really really hard, but I went and talked to Ryan today.(that would be my ex who now aparently gets really really high and drunk all the time) I am glad i did tho. And as much as i hate the way it sounds, and hate even more to admit it, I missed him, not as a boyfriend or anything, but i honestly missed talking to him, I mean, it's not easy
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You don't know me at all because I recently graduated, but I saw you guys at bolwling, which also amazes me. I have one bone to pick, not particularly with you, but with the past two junior kairos. Kairos isn't meant to be turned into a community for livejournal. Many of us seniors question if it's for show. We worked extremely hard not to spoil any secrets or the sanctity of kairos for you guys, and we hope you do the same. Meaning stop with the stupid "kairos Parties" (not yours, but Laurens) You guys dare to say live the 4th and all the fronts, but we hear stories of you guys getting drunk. I'm not aiming this at you because I'm sure you're a nice girl, but can you pass it on. It's just something that's annoying some seniors or shall I say Alum. Other than that, we're proud of you guys, not too fond of some of the August leaders, but we're still proud. Have a safe year, and don't let anybody do stupid things to hurt themselves. Andrea, good luck on your finals. Oh, dealing with so many of my classmates and their problems, you did the right thing. It's better to hear things from someone who cares than not hesr anything at all. Cherish next year because it goes by so fast. If you lead a kairos, cherish those kids like they're your own. I still adore mine up til this day. In fact, one of your leaders was my kid . .. does that make you my grandkid? j/k. Have a great year.
oh ya, live the 4th please.
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