Mar 31, 2009 12:11
What is with all the 'twitter' notifications being posted on Live journal!? this is not what it is for! Live journal is a blog spot. not a place where we can read all of your twitter updates....again. I don't know about anyone else, but I use live journal as a means of conversation and artistic expression. I use it to check what is up with my friends and comment to their woes. I use it to complain about life and or praise it. I use live journal as a place where I can write full sentences in the English language and not worry about using too many characters. I'm sick of coming on here to read whats happening to my friends and seeing nothing but twitter updates. Keep your twitters to your self and the people who are on twitter. I'm on twitter and I can tell you now....never the two shall meet. Twitter is fun in it's own right! I am not knocking twitter at all. I just feel that apples should remain apples and oranges should remain oranges. I don't need to have the same updates on every single site. It's redundant and annoying.
My day is going quite well so far...except that my bladder is at full capacity and the dam is growing weak. but if I go to use the bathroom Carol Thorne is going to dock me attendance points. I think that is absolutely retarded. We are adult students of 20 - 26 years old, and we're not allowed to go to the bathroom when we want to. the only thing I can do is start sneezing and get snot all over myself. then - and only then - will she allow me to go clean myself up. but I would rather not pursue this potentially embarrassing escape plan ...but if that's what it takes to release the flood...then so be it. here we worked. I feel SO much better!
anyways...I'm done griping for one day. on too my twitter account. which i will continue to keep separate from my LJ