Jul 12, 2004 23:30
My Best Friend is monkeyboypez
Our 4 common interests are: bowling, friends, movies, music
Who is your best friend?
Created by macoto
and on that note i'd like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY (a day later) to Christopher Krusinkski (hope i didn't butcher the last name...i always forget the spelling). I love you oh so much!
Ok, well this weekend was pretty awesome! Thursday, i went to visit chris f. for a very nice hour break for his lunch break...smiles. Than i went from there to go pick up my new addition to the family...my kitten! He's soooo adorable! and i have pictures! He still doesn't have a name, but will probably be named after a boxer b/c he looks like one when he's playing. So that night chris k., dani, and chris f. came over to play with the kitty, and than we headed to pez's house to watch movies...all in all an awesome night! So Friday morning, i headed up to Dallas to pick up my mom from my aunts, and spend the weekend up there. DALLAS IS BEAUTIFUL! I'd love to go party up there one day! It's like one really big suburb! That night we just stayed at my aunts house and watched tv and Second Hand Lions...AWESOME MOVIE I WANT IT! Woke up the next day and mom took me shopping! We bought 5 new shirts and the cutest pair of capri's! Can we really afford that, no, but it's mom and i...what did you expect. Than, we meet up with my cousin Andy and he took us around. Than we all went to the Roughriders baseball game (the farm team for the Texas Rangers)...i had funnel cake, ice cream, and got a minature helmet. and what made the night was i got to talk to my baby...yeah! my mom and i talked alot while waiting for midnight so i could send a special text message, and than headed to sleep. We woke early the next day and headed home to H-TOWN. On the way we stopped in Madisionville =( That's my old softball stomping grounds...where we played most of our tournaments...brought back alot of memories, and i HATE that i'm not still playing. AND I HATE THOSE PEOPLE FOR TAKING MY BAG! anywho...i got home and played with the kitty for a bit. Than i met up with chris k. for his birthday, and we (chris X 2, dani, justin and i) went to BJ's for dinner and to kyle's. Than i came home and went to bed with my kitten! he's so cute!
Today kind of blew alot! Work sucked, school is horrible!, and i got in BIG TROUBLE with mother...she is pissed! i got lots of new toys for the kitty...i think furball is jealous =( but we are trying to get the kitten away from scratching things it's not supposed to so it won't tear up my townhome (so excited about that one!).
So, i'm totally looking foward to the rest of the week i hope! Tomorrow, i get my car back (hopefully) repaired and in better condition than when i left it. Hopefully, i will be able to go with my christopher to the concert tomorrow...i'm trying baby, i even did all the laundry for bonus points! Than wed, i'm going to floyd's house so he can do my brakes for me...b/c he's wonderful like that and is worried about my safty? lol =) he must not know me very well ;) And than thurs night i'm gonna try to go to college night with my cali girl toni. And finally, i leave friday for college station for the weekend! i get the townhome all to myself (well and hopefully christopher...shhhhh). Christin dropping her mom off in san antonio and picking up Loui!!!! They will be in CS on friday too, and we are all going to party the weekend away! I'M SOOOOO EXCITED! I hope all goes as planned! i gotta jet guys...love you all! buh bye!