(no subject)

Mar 13, 2007 17:26

So you implement a system that even stephen hawkins could operate.
Infact, it's so damn easy that.. it's just too self explainitory for it's own good.

You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
ok its on desktop though
Vince says:
what is?!
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
Vince says:
C:\games\wow\WTF\Account\KOREALI\SavedVariables <--- example
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
ang on coz i keep trying to sen du porn >.<
Vince says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
lol i dont know
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
ok ill try it again >.<
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
C:\Documents and Settings\Samantha\Desktop\WTF\Account\DUGGAN\SavedVariables
Vince says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
i know >.<
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
but the wtf folder is on the desktop >.<
Vince says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
not the right one!
Vince says:
thats your backup folder!
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
ooo wait
Vince says:
ofc it wont have the lua file!
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
nvm ang on
Vince says:
because it's not the right folder!
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
dum dee dum >.<

You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
lua or lua.bak?
Vince says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
Vince says:
the .bak is a backup file
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
yeah i knew that
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
i think i did it wrong btw
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
its an old version of uploader or something
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
>.< nvm
Vince says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
ang on just calm vinnie calm
Vince says:
you using uni-uploader?
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
yeah i think
Vince says:
sod that
Vince says:
use the website's uploader
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
"update profile" button on the main page takes you there too
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
no i was on that one
Vince says:
where it says upload files
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
ang on let me get rid of uni uploader then
Vince says:
click the first browse
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
yeah i did >.<
Vince says:
locate file
Vince says:
click upload at bottom
Vince says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
yeah and it says that the version of character profiler isnt up to date
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
so dw ill hunt the newer one down now
Vince says:
Vince says:
not uni-uploader then
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
no >.<
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
thing is
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
it says the current version >.<
Vince sends:

Vince says:
use that one ¬¬
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:

Transfer of "CharacterProfiler.zip" is complete.

Vince says:
re-do the lot again
Vince says:

You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:

Vince says:
remove the old addon aswell
Vince says:
before putting that in
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
here we go again >><
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:

Vince says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
what was the command again /cp on rite?
Vince says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
ok now its not working >.< ang on
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
go back to work ill be fine
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
fankoooo though
Vince says:

Vince says:
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
ill poke u if i get stuck ya
Vince says:
Vince says:
its really not hard to do tbh
You make my bath time lots of fun ;o) says:
hello ur talking to me
Vince says:
Vince says:

So anyway, life goes on then..... one of the people you'd least expect...
*(Fuck here we go again! ed.)

Jeff Broccoli says:
Vince says:
Jeff Broccoli says:*
need halp with profile updater. im usually not a nib, but im having a hard time with this
Vince says:
ok, nib
Vince says:
even sammy c an do it
Vince says:
and shes shit at computarz
Jeff Broccoli says:
"Error while parsing CharacterProfiler after 0.47 seconds"
Vince says:
which version of CP do you have?
Vince says:
the one listed on the website?
Jeff Broccoli says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
get that ¬¬
Jeff Broccoli says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
all done, but its not showing yet on the roster, is that normal?
Jeff Broccoli says:
"Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.15 seconds"
Vince says:
did you turn it on ingame
Vince says:
Vince says:
itl send a blank file
Vince says:
and still say its worked
Vince says:
(it only reads data, no validation checks)
Jeff Broccoli says:
yeah, in game it was saying "saved" and i was hittin /cp show and it sayed all scanned
Vince says:
did you do /cp on
Vince says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
didnt do that, no..
Vince says:
do that
Jeff Broccoli says:
hang on >.<
Vince says:
scan yer shit
Vince says:
come out of the game
Vince says:
load it up
Vince says:
dont try and load it with it ingame
Vince says:
(with the game running)
Jeff Broccoli says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
cp turned on
Jeff Broccoli says:
all scanned
Jeff Broccoli says:
i dont need to export or anything, no?
Jeff Broccoli says:
just logout and upload?
Vince says:
you shouldnt
Jeff Broccoli says:
Vince says:
but force it anyway
Vince says:
/cp export
Vince says:
Vince says:
log outta the game
Vince says:
close it
Vince says:
then upload
Jeff Broccoli says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
still not working
Jeff Broccoli says:
and i KNOW i didnt everything right
Vince says:
send me yer lua file
Jeff Broccoli sends:


You have successfully received D:\Users\Xander\Documents\My Received Files\CharacterProfiler.lua from Jeff Broccoli.

Vince says:
you know whatd be rilly helpful
Jeff Broccoli says:
go on then >.<
Jeff Broccoli says:
this'll be sarky
Vince says:
if you used the right file.
Vince says:
sammy syndrome.
Vince says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
ah come on! it must be an easy mistake!
Jeff Broccoli says:
its called characterprofiler.lua!
Vince says:
well, it's a really easy mistake if sammy managed it yea... coz there's even instructions which file to chose on the website tooltip!
Jeff Broccoli says:
so which is it?
Vince says:
you're sending the PROGRAM upto the server, to the exported data
Vince says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
Vince says:
you need the lua file from:
Vince says:
Vince says:
Vince says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
"Did not accept SavedVariables.lua" -_-
Vince says:
it's not saved variable
Vince says:
Vince says:
in the saved variables folder
Jeff Broccoli says:
hold on jimmy, i think he's got it.
Vince says:
shit the bed.
Jeff Broccoli says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
Vince says:
jesus saves
Jeff Broccoli says:
after each level
Jeff Broccoli says:
"thank you for calling tech support. your call has been logged"
Vince says:
*phone goes down*
Vince says:
Jeff Broccoli says:
*phone goes down* pompous geek

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