**FIXME: Daddy, I heard on Newsround that they're thinking of making the school day longer, so it goes on to 4.30.
D: Yeah, I heard that too. What do you think?
F: Well, [best friend] and I said that if it's an hour of playtime, great! [beaming face]
D: [laughs]
F: But if it's just more school [frowny face]
D: I think the suggestion is that it'd be like more after-school clubs. You know, like Science Club [which he really likes], and that goes on to 4.30.
F: Yeah. But the thing with after-school clubs is, they have to make it really interesting, otherwise you don't go. But with ordinary school, you have to be there, so they don't make it so interesting and you have to do all that boring stuff about writing down your predictions and methods and all that.
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