Necessity has driven me to partially develop the habit "always find specs *before* taking contact lenses out". It's not a perfect habit - the trouble is that most of the time, my glasses are where I think they should be, so if I just whip the lenses out, I can find the specs easily. But if I (or the kids) have put them somewhere other than that, I have the tremendous fun of hunting for something that I can only see clearly from about half a metre/yard away - and that's with my good eye (which was very mildly hypermetropic when I had my first eye test).
I'm starting to suspect my night myopia is getting worse. I'm now thinking I should tweak the habit to "always find specs *and turn on all the lights* before taking contact lenses out", following an undignified episode in a twilit bathroom where I knew I could not be more than two metres from the specs, since I put them in the room only a few minutes ago ... but could not find the buggers.
(All good fun, and my age now takes me in to the presbyopia danger zone, so I can look forward to not being able to see close things either. I am pretty well off, though - my scrip is entirely standard, with very little astigmatism, and I can get by without high-index lenses. And, of course, I live in a time and place where getting my vision checked and corrected can be done easily and for of the order of an hour's median wages per month.)
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