Oooh, thanks a lot, Fifth Third!

Mar 06, 2009 19:16

The bank that holds my mortgage, Fifth Third, just sent me an offer saying, "Since you're such a good customer, and since you always pay your bills on time, we're going to let you take a month off from your mortgage payment."

Fine print: This offer will cost you $55, which will be added to the principal of your mortgage and will accrue interest, as will the payment you don't make.

So, let me get this right, then .... you're doing ME a favor? Sounds to me like you're looking for ways to charge fees for things to help your OWN ass out.

And if I'm such a good customer and I always pay my bills on time (which I do, BTW), why did you cut my home equity line last month?

Bastards. Sneaky fucking bastards. I hate to think how many people are going to fall for that ploy.
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