Sep 19, 2006 20:14
“You’re too uptight.”
“I am not uptight.”
“Yeah, you are. What’d you do last weekend?”
“There was a virology exam, I had to study…”
“I’ll buy that. But you didn’t have to study for six hours… a week before the test.”
“I have to know my stuff.”
“Granted, but not that well. It’s not like you’re going to be giving lectures. It’s an exam, nothing you’ve not done before-and excelled at.”
“I suck at exams.”
“You don’t suck at anything-but you need to have some fun once in a while.”
“Leave it alone.”
“Just come out of your cave this weekend, please? Just once. And if you don’t like it, you can return to sitting in this damp, dark dorm, hunched over your beloved books.”
“Will ya stop calling them that?”
“You’re evading the question.”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are, you just did it again!”
“Why do I ‘have’ to go out? I need to brush up on my biochem.”
“Shut up with the biochem!”
“It’s important.”
“There is no joy to your existence, is there?”
“Yeah, I just don’t have time-”
“You never have time.”
“Shut up, Shepherd.”
“Well sin a little, Sloan.”
199 Words
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