I have a question for anyone who was affected by the last flood....or anyone who feels like answering, really. What were your symptoms prior to finding out that you had to be near someone/when you stepped away from that person
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I almost wish I was in the pub, just to hear a song with that kind of reputation.
As I was not exactly far from the man it happened to at the time, but when I tried to leave it was more like I was being pulled back. It's an interesting question, though, especially if the answers vary.
If you listened to it for just 10 seconds, you would have gotten the gist. ...actually, all of his songs are like that. 10 seconds in and you've heard enough.
I think the answers will vary, which is why I asked. I have a feeling it didn't affect everyone in the same way.
Si. ...I mean yes. I don't have one, actually. Well, not in my cabin anyway.
Yes, exactly. Floods usually differ here and there, but for the most part there's a running theme. I just want to know how much exactly they differ. If I collect enough data, who knows, maybe Sherlock can do something with it.
[This reply is delayed. Sorry. He just worked out the Sherlock/Watson thing. Anyway....]
Ah, a shame. I would lend you some of my music to save you from insanity.
Sherlock is your perceptive friend, is he?
If it's not interesting enough for him, it's certainly interesting enough for me. I'm curious about the relationship between having your inmate or warden changed and the flood. If there was one. I ended up with two inmates somehow.
I certainly wouldn't fault anyone for it. To be fair, any organisation or system is more haphazard than people will be willing to admit. It's perhaps just a little more obvious here.
And it doesn't help when what little organisation we do have here is ruined by the Admiral deciding to randomly give wardens new inmates. If it was on purpose.
As I was not exactly far from the man it happened to at the time, but when I tried to leave it was more like I was being pulled back. It's an interesting question, though, especially if the answers vary.
I think the answers will vary, which is why I asked. I have a feeling it didn't affect everyone in the same way.
It didn't. I'd be interested to know who it affected differently and why, and whether it affected people who were stuck to each other differently.
Yes, exactly. Floods usually differ here and there, but for the most part there's a running theme. I just want to know how much exactly they differ. If I collect enough data, who knows, maybe Sherlock can do something with it.
If it's interesting enough for him anyway.
Ah, a shame. I would lend you some of my music to save you from insanity.
Sherlock is your perceptive friend, is he?
If it's not interesting enough for him, it's certainly interesting enough for me. I'm curious about the relationship between having your inmate or warden changed and the flood. If there was one. I ended up with two inmates somehow.
If there was a system in place for the flood, it looked a little haphazard to me.
Most systems here seem to be on the side of haphazard, to be perfectly honest.
True, but you can't fault anyone for trying. It's just difficult to organise anything when things change every two weeks.
Which I think it was.
And I think you're right.
Anyway, I hope this kind of thing doesn't happen too often.
I would rather it didn't happen at all, but sometimes that is too much to ask, unfortunately.
It's probably built into the design of the Barge. The job can't be too easy, you know.
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