For those who haven't heard, I'm trying to arrange a group buy for number4 mk4 rifles. These are newly manufactured number4mk2rifles that use unmodified m-14 magazines, and feature a savage style headspacing system (yes, that means easily interchangeable barrels), chrome lined barrels (in the non-match versions) aperature rear sights, and are drilled and tapped for a weaver rail. The number4 mk4(base model) rifles will be going for 575 (retail is 759), (only if i can get 20 rifles spoken for) plus whatever the dealer charges us to handle the guns. (the guns will be sent to a dealer from tristar. the dealer will then send them to the FFL of the recipients.) The buy won't happen untill the rifles actually arrive in-country, which is june or july.
Please respond to this thread if you would like to get in on this group buy. (remember, if i can't get 20 people, it's not going to happen, and i need fourteen more.)
If you have any questions, feel free to email me.