(no subject)

Feb 09, 2010 11:50

So I went to my interview at Pepperdine last Friday. Beautiful campus, nice drive. They started off the interview with telling me that they start most meetings with a prayer... after that it was your standard interview chit chat. Then I go around with the lab manager to check out their space, good space, however during the walk around we walked into a lab, and the lab manager tells me sometimes your come int a lab and you might come into the class starting off with a prayer or sometimes in the middle of the class... Finish the walk around and go into the interview with the lab manager, department manager, one of the biologists, and one of the chemists. They again tell me that they start meetings with with a little prayer. We go through the interview and the last questions of the 45 minute interview was asked by the biologist "so students will sometimes come up to you and tell you that Evolution is taught by the anti-Christ, how do you respond to that?" After a small pause, I respond with, it is their american right to believe what they want... That was pretty much the end of the interview besides the the logistics of pay and what not. Over all the interview I felt went pretty good, but I am not sure if it is my environment. We will see we will see
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