Yes. I know. It's been entirely too long.
It's been so long the LJ has reverted back to free mode. Hope nobody bookmarked, 'cause it ain't there no more.
There will be more detail for later. Right now, for those of you who are unaware of such things:
- I turned in my keys at Middle Georgia College today. As of August 20, I will be an Assistant Profesor of Physics at Shorter College in bee-yoo-tee-ful downtown Rome, Georgia.
- I have already freaked out a couple of folk on IM by talking offhandedly about moving to Rome. "OOOOOOOOH! YOU GET TO TAKE A TEACHING JOB IN ITALY?!?!?" The person who I let run with that thought for a few minutes before I linked her to Shorter's website, I still don't think she's forgiven me.
- My reasons for leaving MGC and moving to Shorter are myriad, mostly wanting to do with getting as far away from Georgia state government as possible and wanting to immerse myself in Christian academia, even if I have to throw myself into another Southern Baptist infight to do it. (Actually, being able to watch said infight up-close is an oddly intriguing thing to me. Half of me says it can't be anything worse than fights between denominations and within denominations I've seen and read about in my time, but the other half of me reminds me that I've never been so close to a conflict in which so much was at stake...)
- Was I given grief about the closeness of my relationships with students and thereby chased off? Is the current president the SOB that it's rumored he is, and is he running everybody on the faculty off? No, and no. There are many rumors to this effect running around, and precious few of them have much truth in 'em. I will freely admit that the major reason I haven't updated this site over the 2002-2003 academic year was fear that I'd say something that I'd regret later about my employers, but now that I don't work for them...:)
- Actually, very wise thing: publicly dissing your employers is always a bad move, regardless of whether you're justified or not.
- Have I told you lately how utterly phenomenal a school Shorter College is, and how everybody should take out massively huge student loans to go there?
So that's the work update. I'm actively pursuing other conspiracies as we speak. The blogging has been very missing from my life, and I need to do something of the sort. And, instead of this way-too-emo rambling, do it in a directed fashion.
Here's hoping, folks.