well good goddamn and other such phrases

Jul 27, 2008 23:45

it's been playing on my mind all day....i posted a bulletin on the myspace earlier and i think i spelled a word wrong.  i'm spelling nazi no 1 so it's eating my brain out like woodworm.

If you were at a magic show, would you volunteer to be on stage?
i's be the magicians assistant anyway. i'm into the feathers and sequins.

Have you ever been in a tree house?
yeah. well it was actually a pallet nailed up a tree by my grandad but that works yeah? me and my mate used to eat soil up there. i was always destined to be a vegetarian.

Are you afraid of embarrassing yourself in public?
i do not have the shame gene. i do it on a daily basis.

How many kids would you babysit at once if the rate was 20 dollars per kid/ per hour?
as many as possible.
14? 15?

Have you ever made a walrus face using french fry's in your mouth?
chopsticks - yes, straws - yes, fries - no. the black straw as headset/mic is always fun too.

When is the last time you wore a Halloween costume?
when i got dressed this morning.

Would you play Barbies and act the part if a little girl asked you?
yeah sure.

How many Snickers bars could you eat in a row before throwing up?
millions. i'm bang into snickers. nom.

Have you ever mooned passing cars?
yeah. it was on the school bus though and i got put in isolation for a week for it. teachers are squares.

Most embarrassing thing that happened at school was:
taking part in stuart's 'heart rate' experiment. i still can't believe the teacher agreed to it. mr pyles was a perve.

Ever farted and blamed it on the dog?
why else would i have a dog?

Ever gone into an AOL chat room to make fun of people?
i'm gonna be fasecious and say i don't use aol.

Have you ever been in a talent show?
i was a walking talent show from the age of about 2 to 27.

Can you blow bubbles with your spit?
i used to. not tried in a while. i'll try later and if i can i'll put it on my cv.

Do or did you participate in spirit week at your school?
the what now? i doubt it anyway.

Can you cry on command?
oh no. what's the point. i've got boobs to use to get my own way.

Ever been involved in a hot dog eating contest?
only with myself. i won.

Ever prank call a grocery store?
umm. nah. skateshops and record stores usually.

What is an April Fools prank you have pulled?
clingfilm + toiletseat = win.

On a dare, would you jump in a pool with all your clothes on?
of course. can't resist a dare.

Do you email chain letters and forwards to all your friends?

Ever laugh so hard liquid you were drinking came out your nose?
not in a while. what a let down.

Ever created a fake screen name to mess with people?
oh absolutely. glove puppets are the future.

Last time you jumped on a trampoline?
at school. i was well good at trampolining.

Are you or were you a class clown?
yeah. check my record of achievement if you don't believe me.

Have you ever been streaking?
yeah. liberating.

Ever get detention or saturday school? If so, what for?
yeah. i got science detention for being shit at science.

Ever painted each fingernail a differnt color?
highly unlikely.

Have you ever cried to get out of a traffic violation?
i don't drive. i do violate though.

Did you ever make Ken and Barbie have sex?
no. ken turned out to be gay.

baby or kid?

What cartoon from the 80's do you wish still played today?
jem, truly amazing, truly truly truly amazing. i would have said rude dog (and the dweebs) but that was 90s.

Would you shave your eyebrows on a dare?
christ no. that's a ridiculous idea.

What cute story does your mum always bring up of you as a baby?
going to a nursing home, taking my knickers off and dancing and singing for all the old people while standing on a table. the song was called 'no like a knick-knicks.

Have you ever madeout in a bathroom?
not today.

Last time you got scared, what happened?
i pretended to be asleep.

Would you live with someone without marrying them?
you're ment to marry all your housemates? crap.

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?

Can you make yourself burp or fart?
nah. dirty cow fail.

Ever made a creation out of duct tape?
an outfit yeah.

Ever toliet papered someone's house?
what's the point really?

Do you have an annoying laugh?
i dunno if it's annoying but it's sometimes really loud and rawcus and sometimes it sounds like a duck. i like it.

i think it's spelled facetious.

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