Things haven't been too interesting on my end. My contract is running out and I need to find something somewhere else, but it looks like I'll have to move to the west coast to find anything. Victoria, Seattle, and Calgary are the three big candidates so far, but. I don't know, it just feels weird to think about moving to the west coast. I need to stop waffling and start sending out resumes, though. I've been playing too many games and ignoring this looming threat over my head.
So are you ready for some fucking music!? Yeah, I know you are. Don't try and hide it.
Track #8: Franz Ferdinand - You Could Have It So Much Better
The eponymous track on my favorite album, this is probably one of the most uplifting, empowering, and motivational songs that I know. The whole message is that things will stay the same unless you get up. You could have it so much better... if you try. I love this song, no question.
Album #8: Mumford and Sons - Sigh No More
Mentioned previously in my
New Music of 2010 series, this was a band I didn't think had too much staying power, but I seem to be proven wrong. I listened to it frequently for a month or two, and while I don't skip it if it comes on the radio, I'm not bursting at the seams to hear more.
Thistle and Weeds was a powerful one; I rather liked the repetitive of I will hold on, although I think a lot of people found it excessive.
I don't have anything clever to say about Awake My Soul. Fairly generic for them, but that may not be a bad thing.
Artist #8: Richard Thompson
Richard Thompson is one of those types that just likes unnerving you. He's definitely a guitar virtuoso, but there's something about his music that I listen to it now and, with a few exceptions, I just can't keep at it before I have to switch to something else.
This is the exception. The Way That It Shows is just a beautiful song, even if it's a warning to a cheating lover. This is probably one of my favorite songs to play on guitar in Rock Band.
Another one I don't really have much to say on, Sunset Song is probably my second favorite. Haunting is definitely a word I would use to describe this one.