I cannot reach a pen for me to draw the line

Dec 04, 2010 11:16

So, if people know me, and I would hope that you do, you should know that I love music. (Not as much as some, but I didn't make that argument.) Therefore, I'm going to make a few entries, at least five, with the goal of introducing others to bands I found in 2010 and summarily enjoyed the hell out of. Each entry will also have a song I enjoyed from the year when the rest of the band was either mediocre or I just didn't hear stuff from them.

The first band is Rodrigo Y Gabriela. If you've never heard of them before, prepared to have your face melted off. These two Mexicans play acoustic guitar, and they play it fast. They get such a variety of sound out of it that if I didn't tell you there were only two people, you'd swear there were three or four. They recently had to stop touring because Gabriela was injured from rocking out too hard. I am not joking.

As one Youtube comment once said, "I don't get it. Why didn't the guitars catch on fire?"

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Tamacun is the closest thing to generic Rodrigo Y Gabriela that you can get. Now watch that and be amazed that by their standards, I called this generic. (Not bad. Just this is what to expect if you look for more.) Also, this and the next video fully prime you on how they actually play, which is even more impressive.

Couldn't embed this one, but it's Diablo Rojo, Live in Japan. This is the second song I would consider my favorite. This video is unique, at least to me, because it's the only video in which I've ever seen them playing standing up. Everything else has always been sitting down, intense.

As for the bonus song, this one might be cheating since I might have heard it in the closing days of 2009, but I can't remember, so 2010 it is! Off the Lego Rock Band soundtrack is Dreaming of You, by The Coral. It's a short, catchy little number that got in my head immediately.

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