RP LOG with mrpublicity | Laymen's Terms

Apr 16, 2010 11:28

[Follows THIS]

Lachlan knocked softly on the edge of the hospital room door and stepped inside with a smirk. "Me again. Bet you never saw that one coming," he joked as he came to stand at the end of Aiden's bed. He had pretty much been a regular fixture since the accident. He was Patrick's medical proxy, and had been ever since the first time is best friend landed in hospital a couple of years back. It meant that although he wasn't Pat's doctor, he still had the decision making power in regards to Pat's health when he was unable to do it himself. It also meant Pat's doctors had to keep him 100% informed Pat's condition at all times, so it had gone without saying that he would be in close contact at all times. This was the first chance he had to come and talk to Aiden since Pat had regained consciousness and it was a chat that needed to be had sooner rather than later. Pat was asleep in the other bed, the lights on that side of the room dimmed, but Lachlan still stepped over to the end of the bed and picked up Pat's progress chart, folded the pages over to the latest entries. "I would have come sooner, aye, but the bairn decided to projectile vomit all over me and his bed, so I had to clean it up..." he murmured, skimming the scrawled medical notes with a frown on concentration on his face.

Aiden watched Lachlan's face for any prominent reaction as he read and then looked at Pat. After their small talk, Pat hadn't been able to fight the weariness any longer and it was Aiden who requested the lights be dimmed when Pat revealed that his head almost unbearably sore. The nurse had given him some more morphine, which inevitably knocked him out. It was a harsh drug and although it did a good job, it still took it's toll on a weakened body. Pat had been asleep ever since, but Aiden realised that the coiled fear he had when Pat was unconscious just hours early was gone now. His husband needed the rest, it was the only way he could have hope to get recuperate and get back on his feet. "Is he okay? How come you're not all stressed that he's sick?" Aiden asked.

Lachlan glanced up from the notes with a small laugh. "Over a year in, you stop stressing about every wee thing and start to chill. Bairns sometimes just get funny tummies as they mature and get used to taking in new foods. We've been trying him on some new baby food and different feeding times, but some of it hasnae agreed with him. Gonna switch on to make our own. It's better that way, anyway. We can make sure he's getting enough for his diabetes and it's fresh, nay out of a jar. He was fine once he got it all out. Tara's got him at hame with a singing cow in wee bunny ears that he got for Easter. Keeps him occupied for hours. Still, it's going to be hard when he's old enough to know what Easter is and cannae be having many chocolate eggs or bunnies." He came over to sit down next to Aiden, bringing the charts with him. "How are you holding up? It's said here you had a wee talk with him. He was following okay, aye?"

Aiden gave a small nod, but he frowned a little. "Yeah, he was. Should he not have been? He didn't say a whole lot, he was in pain. But he said enough to reassure me he was better than he has been. I'm okay... or I was before you just said that," he replied and looked at the charts, but from where he was, he couldn't see what was written.

Lachlan folded the sheets back again, creasing them a little so the pages would stay put and handed the charts to Aiden. "You can read them if you want to. You probably willnae follow the medical jargon, mind. We dinnae want you thinking anything is being hidden from you, because I promise it isnae. We just have to balance the way we deliver information because you havenae been well yourself. We need to make sure we arenae drawing your healing back by weighing too much on you at once. But I can see you're doing a wee bit better. More colour in your complexion and the physio wants to try and get you up and about soon. You willnae know yourself, buddy." He made sure Aiden had hold of the chart before he sat back again. "But Pat's another story, a whole other balancing act of his own. Aye, his memory has this big gaping hole in it, but amnesia is rarely the only psychological response to head trauma. Other things come with it, they just arenae glamorous sounding as amnesia because Hollywood does that so well. In the real world, we can face other niggles while the brain isnae functioning properly. It functions a wee bit like a foggy car window. You can give it a wee bit of a quick wipe with your hand, but it takes a lot more to clear the whole windscreen. At the moment, Pat's mind is function a wee bit like it's been given a quick wipe with a hand. Some parts are clear, but other parts are still foggy. You got him in a moment of clarity, but next time you talk to him, he might be a lot more confused, lacking memory of things in the very short term. When I was here this morning, the physio was doing some therapy on his legs to keep them functioning. He didnae mind her being here only ten minutes later. He didnae mind a lot of what I had relayed to him about the accident and his condition. Your condition. He just sort of vagued out on us, and in a sense, his brain hit one of those still foggy parts. Other times, he cannae remember the right words for things he's trying to say. He knows what he means, but he cannae quite clutch onto the words. There could also be mood or personality fluctuations. Now I know this all sounds horrible and scary, but the positive thing is it is actually normal in the wake of a hemorrhage as the brain heals, and his mood and personality are normal more than they arenae. He's on medication to try and speed up the healing process, and it's just a matter of waiting for the brain to start functioning normally again."

Aiden listened to every word, his hands splayer over the medical chart, but he was paying no attention to it. He was focusing on absorbing what Lachlan said, because it made a lot more sense than trying to follow the medical terminology written on the sheets. Lachlan was a doctor, but Aiden was forever grateful that the Scot always put it in laymen's terms in a way an average person could follow and understand. Right now, Aiden was more grateful of that than ever. It was important information he was relaying and Aiden knew it was vital he got it. He gave a slight nod and cleared his throat. "Okay... okay, I can see all that. I get it. So, I just need to roll with him, however he is at any one time, and not try to push him in any way? What about physically? Has all this..." he waved his hand, indicating the whole accident and everything that had followed, maybe even everything that led up to it, "... his MS, is it... can he get back on his feet or is there irreparable damage done now?"

Lachlan admired Aiden for keeping his cool. Extensively. It meant that although he was frightened, he had Patrick's best interests at heart, and a want to step up up and take care of him like a husband should. But Lachlan would be lying if he didn't admit to fearing that all of this could be too much for Aiden to handle. He probably wouldn't blame him if he wanted to try and run away from it. Lachlan knew how easy it was to want to run and hide when the going got tough. "It's too early to know, buddy. But I willnae sugarcoat anything. There is a chance here that he might nay recover to the capacity he had been prior to the accident. It's just impossible to assess his physical, mental and cognitive responses to anything right now because the hemorrhage is overriding everything else. We dinnae know if his symptoms are the MS or because we had him open to clamp the bleed again. We just need to keep his regular obs up and watch for any patterns. With the medication, the symptoms from the bleed should start to ease. Anything that remains after an adequate period time can be deduced as an MS symptom and we can start monitoring if he has had an exacerbation in his condition." He paused and pressed his lips together with a small sigh. "I wanted to talk to about Cameron."

"Has something happened?" Aiden immediately asked, frown deepening with a glance over at Pat. "Please tell me it hasn't. His surgery, it went fine, right? You and I both know Pat probably wouldn't survive hearing something had happened to his brother too."

Lachlan shook his head. "The surgery was long, finicky and arduous, but it went without a hitch. Cameron's doing okay now it's over. That wasnae what I was referring to. The timeframe of Pat's amnesia, he doesnae know about Cameron's accident. He doesnae even know Cameron is here. He doesnae know about about any of his links to Isabel... none of them," he said pointedly, holding Aiden's gaze as he waited for the penny to drop. "Patto didnae tell Cameron about your marriage until the night of Riley and Luke's bachelor party, which was two weeks after you got married, which was the night Cameron met Isabel in New York. Pat's memory is hovering somewhere in the area of a couple of days after you got married, before he told Cameron. In fact, when he woke up, it was screaming in panic that he hadnae told him. Meaning, Pat has no idea that Cameron's just become a father of twins."

Aiden still remembered that night as clear as day. It had been horrible. That was one of the biggest mistakes they had made, not telling Cameron they were getting married and giving him a chance to be there for it. The twins had patched up the whole issue, but only after Cameron had gone back to England without saying goodbye to Pat and just days after, he was tackled on the football field in the middle of a game and severely injured his knee. Pat didn't remember any of it now. "Fucking hell..." he mumbled, putting a hand up to rub his head. "What do we do? Just sit down and tell him everything he's forgetting? Will he ever remember it again?"

"No, we dinnae. That'll be information overload and too much to process. He willnae remember a lot of it if you tell it all to him in one go, too. We give him the basics, the important things, and let him take more and more small portions as he's ready. He'll ask questions when he's ready. Right now, he's nay ready to. We just all need to be on the same page in deciding what we tell him off the bat, what he needs to know to ease as much of his confusion as we can. I personally think he doesnae need to know the ins and outs of the car crash yet. I did tell him you were both in here because of an accident, but I dinnae know if he remembers me even telling him that. I think for now the only other things he needs to know is about Cameron, which is going to lead to him needing to know about Isabel and James. Bearing in mind, he'll still be thinking James is Marcus. I think it'll be too much for him to absorb, though, and as much as it pains me to admit, I think we need to sit on the birth of Cameron's twins for the moment. It's nay going to be easy, especially for Cameron, but it needs to be taken in steps. Cameron's accident and the fact he is even here has to be the first step," Lachlan insisted with a sigh. "Hopefully Isabel can understand that, and that we arenae hiding the bairns for any negative reason."

"She'll understand," Aiden mumbled, slowing rubbing his fingers back and forth across his forehead as he tried to process it all. He was still trying to recover from the accident himself and this was just a lot to take in, let alone try to make the important decisions. "Practicalities. Not to change the subject or anything, but my brain needs a bit of a go-slow too right now. When will we be able to go home?"

Lachlan nodded in understanding. "Are you in pain, buddy? Do you want some pain relief? Just stop me at any time, okay? You know I'm here to help with whatever you need. Just give me the word." Patrick's IV line started to beep then, so Lachlan got up to go and check it. The bed was still raised a little and in the deep sleep, Pat had slipped down to the side a little, the IV in his hand tangled under his wrist and was impeding the flow a little. Lachlan stayed quiet as he carefully untied the line and then took some micropore tape from the roll hanging off the line and tape the tubing securely up Pat's arm to his elbow where it wouldn't get caught up again. He then gently held Pat's head with his hand and braced his shoulder with his forearm as he lowered the bed flat with the foot switch. He didn't want to aggravate Pat's pain levels and wake him up, so not letting him move too much when he put the bed down was vital. Pat just slept on without stirring, the IV now flowing properly.

"I asked one of the nurses to do that when he fell asleep earlier, and she told me he was better sitting up a little," Aiden explained as he watched Lachlan carefully make his husband more comfortable. "Something about circulation."

Lachlan just rolled his eyes a little. "Oh, aye? Maybe in a coma patient on a ventilator. Maybe in someone with a trachy, like you had. Maybe in a patient at risk of aspiration. It isnae going to hurt to him to be lying down to sleep. He's on a high level on pain management, they should be doing what they can to make him comfortable. If they willnae do it, I will." He just didn't mention to Aiden that he planned to go out and passively aggressively reef the nursing staff a new one for not being up to speed on Pat's treatment plan. "To answer your other question, though, your wounds are healing nicely and it should be okay to go home in a few days. Just cannae let you be there alone, and you're more than welcome to come stay with us until you get properly back on your feet. Pat, on the other hand, it's going to be a few weeks at least. Unless..." He trailed off and glanced back at Pat in thought.

"Unless?" Aiden prompted with a small shake of his head in frustration. "Whatever it is, I'll do it. He hates being in here. He'll feel better at home, that's got to be more benefical to his recovery, right?"

Lachlan bit down on his lip and nodded slowly. "Aye... I think it just might. He'll need a bedroom on the ground floor of your house, though. He'll need a home nurse. You'll need the house to be completely assessed by an Occupational Therapist. We'll need to speak to a dietition about meals, which someone will need to cook. It willnae be easy, will take some arranging and he'll still need to be here until the ICU clear him, but I dinnae think it's completely out of the question. It's also going to be expensive-"

"Pay it. Pay anything. Whatever it takes," Aiden cut in, watching Lachlan intently. "Build a whole new fucking mini hospital on the back of the house if you need to. I'll do anything." He hesitated for a moment, looking back over to Pat yet again. "And I need to ask you a favour, even though I know I already can't ever thank you enough for what you already have done for us..."

"Aye, anything," Lachlan agreed with a nod.

Aiden rested his head back against the pillow with a sigh. "I want to be able to be out of this bed by tomorrow. I'm not asking to run a fucking marathon before any of the doctors get their jocks in a twist. I just want to be out of this bed and in touching distance of Pat tomorrow, no questions asked. If I don't get it, I'll be demanding to speak to the Dean of Medicine. All I want to do is be able to kiss. That's not asking too much, is it?"

"Your anniversay..." Lachlan murmured softly, watching Aiden sadly. He nodded. "Nay, it isnae too much to ask and I'll carry you over there myself if I have to. You have my word."

Word Count | 2,958

[with] mrpublicity, [co-written] mrpublicity, [rp] mrpublicity

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