A meme from around

Mar 23, 2009 07:36

Are you currently warm, cold or content?

When was the last time you broke down and cried?
About 15 minutes ago?

Is there anyone you would like to fix things with?
Aye, my wife and now my best friend

Choose: Bonfire on a beach or clubbing in the city:
Bonfire on a beach

Is there anything you would like right now?
To be with my wife and son

Do you tell people the truth even if it will hurt them?
Aye, I try to

Would you say you're an understanding person?
Aye, again, I try to

Do you feel that your life has been unfair to you?
Nay usually one to dwell too much but sometimes it just drags me down

Who was the last person to hurt you?

Are you easily angered?
Nay, it usually takes a lot

Do you have any plans for this weekend?

Do you get spooked easily?
Only in certain situations...

Would you say that you're emotionally strong?

What color are your headphones?
White... arenae everyone's these days?

Do you consider marriage sacred?
Fuck aye... with the right person

Do you prefer brown, white or rye bread?

Can you chew on your toe nails?
Wouldnae really want to try

Have you ever done something extreme for someone you love?
Aye, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat

When was the last time you made a grilled cheese sandwich?
Erm... a couple of weeks ago? It isnae really my favourite

How long would it take you to walk from your house to the nearest movie theater?
Probably a good half an hour to walk

Have you woken up in the middle of the night to a crazy nightmare lately?
Aye, sometimes they're just more prominent

If you had the chance to be immortal, would you do it?
Nay unless everyone I loved could be too

Would people say you act more like your Mom or Dad?
My Dad

How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed?
It would probably sleep three adults, but nay comfortably because I tend to be a tosser... that's nay the tongue-in-cheek type of tosser

Is there a piece of jewelery that holds any sentimental value to you?
Aye, my wedding and the Claddagh pendant from Tara

Would you ever agree to an open relationship with someone?
Feck no

Do people always say you're too thin?
These days, aye. I have a wee bit to go before I'm back to how I was before I was hurt

Do you prefer piano or violin music?
Piano, but I can play both

Have you ever had your picture in the newspaper?
...aye, but I wish it hadnae been for that

Would you prefer a small, intimate wedding proposal or a big scale, over the top proposal?
I kinda did the latter and wouldnae change it. It was only nay intimate and small because we were surrounded by all our friends and family

Is there any particular sound that you hear and it drives you crazy everytime?
Cars backfiring, doors slamming too loudly, gun shots on the television, women screaming

[entry] meme

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