Argh. Why do these bloody stupid
counting sheep CD's keep giving me fic ideas?
Spain: I get the feeling that Prussia doesn't exactly care whether he's actually fine or not.
France: Well, he was born just for the purpose of fighting in battle.
Spain: Speaking of, where did Prussia go? I haven't seen him around lately.
France: Who knows? Maybe he's making some sort of cunning trap for the enemy. He went off in our strategy meeting yesterday too. The two of us and him are completely different fundamentally. It's not that big of a deal if we just leave him alone.
...Different? How? That's why he's not dead yet? And are they friends or not?
France: [Prussia] looks like he'd fall asleep easily. He's probably sleeping by now! He does have his "Whoa, what?!" moments in him, but when it comes time to battle, he's a dependable guy.
Yay~ I do like that there are canon hints that Gilbo's EPIC FAIL doesn't include fighting. Mainly because it matches my own headcanon...
And then the end, heeehe *gigglesnort* I may have to play the CD just to hear it out loud ^^; Maybe while I cook?
Bah. Darn plotbunniessheep!