a very special workday - office pr0n

May 14, 2010 22:23

I can't say that I actually have a particular kink for office porn, although the things I could imagine Germany getting up to - or getting tangled in, perhaps? - at an office are... interesting.

It's more that of the few office stuff pr0nz I've read, there are a few that really stand out. I still remember from the Gundam Wing fandom, a story called "Paperwork? What Paperwork?". 13x6 (or the other way around, can't honestly remember) and at the time I found it hot as hell and with a very funny little twist at the end. Good shit

And then there's stuff like this fic: The Secretary, Jack and Ianto (from Torchwood) PWP which manages to include one hell of a list of office supplies in a very sexy way.

I'm like - what, wait? When did masking tape and paperclips turn sexy? And the answer is, of course, that a good author can make just about anything sexy

In other news, the work with the apartment is starting to happen, the work at work is happening to slowly (oh stress and woes) and the writing is. Not. Sorry, don't have the mental energy right now. So I just spam you with my random ficporn thoughts

rec, cool links

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