Het: Scully/Krycek
Wicked Game Author: Mare
Rating: adult
Spoilers: Up to and including Memento Mori. Nothing after that ep happened in this universe. (Well, okay, the very beginning of Tempus Fugit did. An AU TF, that is.)
Summary: Scully makes a deal with the devil. A devil with beautiful green eyes... Work in progress, not updated in a long time
World Without EndAuthor: Rachel Anton
Rating: NC-17
Keywords: Post-colonization, angst, Scully/Krycek
Summary: Where do you turn when everything you know is gone?
Spoilers: the myth-arc through 'One Son'
A Dream of Fools Author: Spica
Spoilers: Up to and including Patient X/RatB.
Rating: NC-17 for graphic and at times angsty or mildly non-consensual sexual situations.
Notes: It may be useful to know at the outset that this story takes place a short time before the actions in Patient X/RatB.
Lights Go Out Author: Jintian
Rating: Adult
Summary: Scully and Krycek take a road trip when colonization hits.
Wrestling With The Devil and the sequel Trick or Treat Author: Rachel Lee Arlington
Rating: Adult (basically PWP)
Summary: Krycek and Scully try to out bluff each other. Though they're not playing cards, and it's difficult to know who's going to win in the end.
Note: Please read the author's note!
The Spotter's Guide to the Common Krycek and
The Spotter's Guide to the Common Mulder Author: Wombat
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: all episodes
Crossovers (Slash)
JanusAuthor: Kit Mason
Pairing: Alex Krycek/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (BtVS/Ats crossover fic)
Setting/Spoilers and Warnings: This has a little of everything in it, all of it heated and stirred. Start m/m, with a touch of d/s. Sprinkle with demons, vampires, leather shops. Season with pizzas and an enchanted bathroom cabinet.
The Illusion of Being Eternal Author: S.N. Kastle
Pairing: Krycek/Angel (hints of Krycek/Mulder and Angel/Buffy)
Rating: Adult (All sex is consensual, but some might consider it "rough.")
Setting/Spoilers: Third season BtVS. Takes place in the time between events of BtVS's "Graduation Day II" and Angel's "City Of" episodes, and in a slightly alternate, less time-dependent XF universe. Essentially, Angel has moved to Los Angeles but has yet to meet Doyle or learn of his new mission; Krycek and Mulder have had a brief, destructive affair and Krycek has left D.C. for Los Angeles and brooding anonymity.
Summary: Krycek and Angel each watch the other drown his sorrows in a Los Angeles bar, until they're unable to keep away. Or something like that.
Fatherhood 2000 Author: Xanthe
Pairing: Mulder/Angel
Rating: Adult
Setting/Spoilers: Seasons 8 and 9 of XF and Season 3 of Angel
Summary: It isn't easy being a sci-fi father these days... (Author's notes: Just a bit of light-hearted post-finale levity for ya! Nothing in this story is meant to be taken seriously )