Hunters and anglers know "something's up"

Jun 16, 2006 09:19

“…according to a first-ever survey of sportsmen on their attitudes about global warming, three-quarters of hunters and anglers nationwide said they've witnessed at least one of these telltale signs. The majority believes the changes are related to global warming”.

"...thanks to our love of wildlife, we know that something is happening in the forests and grasslands where we hunt and in the streams and rivers where we fish”

.. 67%, identify global warming as an urgent problem; 82 % believe the nation can invest in clean, renewable energy ... 80% ... believe the United States should be a world leader in addressing global warming, and 82% believe solving the problem should be a high priority.

... 81% agree ... that the nation is addicted to oil; 86% said the administration and Congress are not doing enough ... 70% said the country is on the wrong track ... Only 15% think drilling for more oil and gas ... is the right direction”.

... Nearly two-thirds, 64%, said they would favor a candidate who supports strong laws and immediate action on global warming while 28% said a candidate who merely supports voluntary efforts and research would gain their support.

When asked whether they would support legislation that boosts research and development of clean energy technologies and funds state efforts to help wildlife adapt global warming, 77% said they would".


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