Feb 03, 2019 20:58
We’re getting our feet back under us. We have a new truck, since our other one was declared “totaled” by the insurance company due to electrical abnornalities found on top of the body damage. We’re still in Portland but will be heading back to Texas once we receive the final shipment of stuff salvaged from our trailer. We have been shopping for a trailer as well but most of our belongings are still in storage in Plano and in a friend’s barn in Tennessee so it makes more sense to buy our new “home” in Texas when checking on my mother in McKinney or, perhaps, in Tennessee or thereabouts. It’s quit complicated due to losing a good part of our belongings but still not knowing what we still have coming. On top of that we can’t rememer, accurately, what’s stored in Tennessee since we were a bit “shell shocked” following the accident.
Dr. Bob