(no subject)

Mar 05, 2006 14:14

Here's a suggestion to the world.

Stop being bitches.

Seriosly. and if one fucking person come sup top me and whines because they think this is directed at them, it's not. But once someones gets out the cunt suit and starts shit, then it's al about you. So don't start shit if you don't want shit.


I work at Value Village and I like it. Come see me and get some good deals, i'll keep reposting that not because I want you to come spend money but because it's my sad selfish atempt to get people to come see me at work. Cunts.

Yes. Your a cunt.
Ok not really. Im sorry.
This is elike a conversation with out you.
Exept your here.
And Im mad.
*angst angst*
Yeah. Sorry.
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