Ohhhhh, a GYM.

Jan 07, 2009 02:18

So I've been getting my swole on at the gym for several weeks now. I'm back to my thrice-a-week formula for MUSCLE SUCCESS. It is balls-out hilarious how many newjacks are up in my shit a week after New Year's.

I can't wait til March-ish when people get discouraged and clear the fucking parking lot. "Golly, I've been benching 30 lbs. for three weeks, why do I still look like Stephen Segal and not Jean Claude van-Damme?"

Because you have a sit-out rather than a work-out. When you're able to flap your arms like a goddamned albatross on the shoulder thingie, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.

Work out like you hate your fucking body. Set the leg press to deuce-95, then drop the extra 2.5 and 5 lb. weights on it and fucking feel it. I sweat when I work out. I feel accomplished after my bench-press sets.

TESTOSTERONE!!! brb, gotta shoot 100cc's of aggro directly into my ball sack.

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