Jun 03, 2010 14:13

Man, I almost forgot how much I hate summer.

I still have to give up the rats but I can't think about that too much or I'll start being a Debbie Downer again.
I also still can't wake up/function/think/emote for hours everyday. Thanks, modern medicine! You my bro.

I need to remember to actually use my LiveJournal, ever since I had that weird little spaz attack and burned my last two paper ones. Were they really that bad? I guess I'll never know. I forgot to read them first, I guess.

My room is clean and that is nothing short of miraculous.

I can't find my scanner. How did I lose a whole scanner? Sweet Odin. Now I can't upload any of my art.

P.S. I am freaking out a little right now. I should never be allowed to google medications. It's been well over 6 months since I've been able to coax my uterus into behaving and I almost forgot about that whole "endometrial hyperplasia" bit that is going to threaten my every waking moment if I don't get it checked out and fixed.
This is accompanied by the fact that "getting this shit checked out" is part of a series of common procedures that I've grown to be nothing less than weeping-in-a-corner terrified of.
This is ALSO accompanied by the usual, "WTF doctors why do I feel like I'm always doing the bleedin' work for you?"

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