A couple of things tonight caused this post. I'm not going to get into any details, for all sorts of reasons. I'm putting this here partly as introspection, partly to open a window to my head to some other people, and maybe to pass on a little of that to other people. Take it for what it's worth. If you can't be bothered to read this whole post
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If something is so unimportant that everyone else is passing the buck to you, and refuses to help, then maybe it's not important enough, on the whole, for you to bother with it either.
That doesn't mean that other people have the inability to help you, you should drop the load. It just means that if people are unwilling to give a damn about it (and that, in my mind, goes as far as not even bitching about it when the job isn't done), then maybe your perception of the situation isn't matching with everyone elses. On top of all that, helping someone shoulder a load isn't necessarily working with them - it's sometime lending advice or a friendly ear. And in the grander scheme of things, it's a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board for a bitchfest, or any number of other things. Though that takes a lot of the post out of context, it still does ring true for me.
Of course, by "you" I mean "(s)he with said load lifted above their head and their pants around their ankles." And the bits on Responsibility and Accountability both weigh in there. So does Blame, and Action/Inaction.... well, suffice it to say that none of these things exists in a vacuum.
If I was weighing others by these same standards, I would expect that someone who was doing a job with no help (or offers of it), no support, no encouragement, etc. would walk away - and justifiably.
Like I said, though - these are the things that work for me. I interpret the Delegation bit a certain way, and by itself, the explanation in the original post doesn't necessarily ring true unless it's taken in the context of being in a group role with responsibilities to handle as a group. A lot of this can be translated to other aspects of life, but in depends on your interpretation.
[End ramble]
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