Feb 12, 2007 22:58
i think im almost done with the flu/cold thing. friggin epidemic up here....it knocked me out for 5 days. my head is still throbing but at least the insane devil coughing has ended. it put me behind with some homework that im gonna pound out through this week. then there is vacation next week which im definately looking forward to. i watched fate stay night today....its interesting but ehhh....its definately lacking alot. im having a hard time staying interested in it. all i wanna do is play portrait of ruin. im 4 hours in and i just beat the sisters...i gotta do the academy painting. and i actually really dont like this game. i mean its alright cause its a catelvania but damn the story is lame. plus it feel like im playing a kids version of castlevania. its all bubbly and you dont get the whole evil feel with most of it. i just thought it was a bad follow up to dawn of sorrow cause that game was awesome. plus i heard you fight richter in this game. he is not my favorite belmount. im a big trevor fan. i read they were remaking dracula x for psp too. that should be awesome cause i loved that game...first game you can use super powered subweapons plus trevor has the sliding kick and the backflip. i hated how he got pocessed in symphony of the night though it made me like him less. they should remake dracula's curse. that would be badass. trevor is the shit...he's alucard and sonia belmount's kid i mean come on tats badass. damn rant lasted to long. i think its just from the conversation i had with shaun earlier about who was the best belmont. i still think its a toss up between trevor and julius. im done.