Title: The World
ptelefoloneCharacters: Merlin
Notes: For
searains' awesome
tarot card project.
Warnings: half-nudity. MAN-TREES. nah it's pretty much worksafe. but then again, should you really be looking at this at work? ;D
bigger version on dA. XD I don't think I've ever used so many bloody textures.
finally finished! IDEC IF THIS MAKES SENSE ANYMORE. I took only a few of the keywords suggested for this card (timelessness, end of cycles, repleteness) and pretty much ran with them. wiki says "The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool." to reflect this, instead of having Merlin entombed for all eternity (as is his fate in the legends), I gave him a fate similar to Arthur's, who is said will awaken again in a time of great need. on this card Merlin is thus suspended between one life and the next within the oak tree. he's also suspended between the two sides of the card, day and night, representing timelessness (because I'm about as subtle as a hammer with metaphors. XD).
and yeah actually, Merlin was probably really old when he got encased in that tree/tower/rock/gigantic banana or whatever, but I was NOT ABOUT TO DRAW A DEAD NAKED OLD GUY IN A TREE OKAY. THAT'S JUST... THAT'S JUST NOT HOW I ROLL. D: EVER.
I can't wait to see all the cards together, guys. THIS IS EXCITING. I LOVE COLLABS. ♥