Title: Illustrations for "Mr. Pettigrew Lives For a Day"
Artist: altocello
Rating: G
Character/relationship(s): Arthur/Merlin, Agravaine/Gaius
Content notes: Mixed media: ink, coffee, and chalk pastels on white and toned paper. Gratuitous use of GIMP to change the time on the clocks.
Summary: The world-worn Mr Pettigrew has only one ambition in life, and that is to be a gentleman’s gentleman. Having just been summarily dismissed from his current post, down to his last pennies - and with another Great War looming over London - even this modest goal now seems far beyond his reach. At his lowest ebb, he grasps at an opportunity - and suddenly the shabby yet proper old man finds himself awhirl amidst the glamorous immoral world of beautiful nightclub singer Sir Arthur Pendragon.
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AO3 (PS: Modly mods, I didn't see an Agravaine/Gaius tag, thank you!)