Title:"The King and the Sorcerer Consort at the first annual Tournament of Magic"
Itzcoatl Rating: G
Characters/relationships: Merlin/Arthur
Content notes: Acrylic on Canvas board.
The King and the Sorcerer Consort at the first annual Tournament of Magic )
Absolutely love what you made of it!
(Though as someone else commented, the only problem with that is it does end up looking like Bradley and Colin in costume. Oh well, ce la vie, or words to that effect. *G*)
And no, I don't think it looks like them dressed up. This is Arthur and Merlin. *nods* And I love it!
But with Colin, it's not even the different hair or stubble or anything. If it's a behind the scenes photo and he's actually DRESSED as Merlin but he's not acting, then he looks like Colin. It's like he has a whole different set of expressions for when he's Merlin as compared to when he's himself. It's very strange.
(I shall have to write to him and tell him to stop it, as it's very inconvenient. *LOL*)
*comes over to watch the video with you!*
(I'll be playing the video pretty much on a loop, so you can come over to see it anytime. *G*)
*moves in with you*
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