Twin Projects: Style of Famous Artists & Animated Films

Apr 06, 2011 01:15

Hi there, lovelies!

Based on the poll results, nearly all the artist votes are split between Style of Famous Artists and Merlin characters in Disney/Pixar/Animated Films. Ergo, we'll be doing both themes! :)

Here are the tentative rules and details of the project:

♥ For Style of Famous Artists, choose a famous artist and draw a Merlin take on one of their masterpieces.
♥ For Animated Films, choose a film and draw a Merlin take on it.

Sign ups (Not anonymous)
♥  From 1st May, 2011 till 31st May, 2011
♥  Participants will choose their own theme and character(s) to illustrate.
♥  Form:
My name:
My email address:
Theme:  Style of Famous Artists/Animated Films
Subject chosen: e.g. Leonardo Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" or Cinderella

♥ A masterlist of Artist/Films chosen will be posted - if more than one artist choose to illustrate the same subjects, that's ok.
♥ Once your art is completed and posted, you are free to create another art from either themes.

Time frame
♥  You'll be given till 31st August, 2011 to complete your artwork.
(There might be a mini round two if there are artist who wants to sign up in August)
♥  Please submit your finished artworks(s) to the comm whenever you want before the deadline.
♥  If you need to drop out or if you need an extension, do send me an email or a PM.

Art rules
♥  Art must be complete (no sketches or doodles)
♥  Only hand-drawn digital/traditional mediums are accepted (no photomanips or graphics please)

If you have any questions/suggestions/objections, please discuss in the comments. We're open to any suggestions. :D

Also, for my peace of mind, could you please please comment if you still want to participate? <3

*collaboration & projects

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