Gwaine as Aquarius

Feb 13, 2011 15:14

Title: Under the Sign of the Water Bearer (or, rather, Gwaine as Aquarius when I'm not being pretentious)
Artist: mariana_oconnor
Character: Gwaine
Rating: G
Medium:Entirely digital, done in Artweaver.
Artist's Notes:For the Merlin Zodiac Project. Click the cut for more notes.

Bigger version at my deviant art account

Snags: I know it's a bit late, but my schedule turned out to be slightly less than realistic (I blame it on the cobbles - never draw cobbles, ever... ever; I cannot stress this enough). Also, I know it doesn't look a lot like Gwaine, but I wanted to get him laughing and that was really difficult to get. I'm also not sure why but this looks completely different on my laptop.

OKAY, now onto the more fun bit: SYMBOLISM... which is less symbolism and more me throwing things into the picture because I felt like.

This picture contains 3 representations of the aquarius symbol: one on Gwaine's mug, one scratched into the wall and one partially visible on the tavern sign.

The sign of the tavern, though I didn't have room to call it The Water Bearer does have a rather sketchy image of the traditional aquarius image on it.

No, that's not water Gwaine's spilling everywhere, but who really thought that Gwaine would be drinking water... really? I just couldn't do that to him.

The shield in the background (if you can see it properly, I swear it was clear on my laptop >.<;;) Has the symbol of Saturn on it, one of the two planets said to rule over the constellation of Aquarius.

The Graffiti:
The symbol of Aquarius, as previously stated.
The triangular symbol represents air, as Aquarius is an air sign.
There are two separate symbols for Uranus, the other planet said to rule the constellation, because one is the astrological symbol and one is the astronomical symbol.
Ganymede, the cupbearer of the gods, is one of the myths associated with Aquarius.
Diomedes - from the Herculean legend, another myth connected with Aquarius.

Also - really faint, and probably completely indecipherable, there should be the greek name for Aquarius up there somewhere.

Then, on the opposite wall, above Gwaine's head, there are the roman numerals for eleven, because Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac.

Wow, those notes seem kind of excessive. Anyway. There it is... I really had some fun doing this (apart from the cobbles, damn cobbles!). I'm really impressed by what everyone else has put forward and thanks to everyone for being so awesome with all of this. ^_^


character: gwaine, artist: mariana_oconnor, project: zodiac signs, rating: general

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