I just joined
gaygeeks AND
gay_geeks. Why there needs to be TWO of these, we'll never know. But I quite enjoyed writing my Hello Speech! (Note: i changed the introductions significantly for each group, since there are a lot of x-members. But both have combined below into a single being of ultimate power: MEGA-INTRO, defender of the galaxy
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Ok, that's it, I am so giving you a wedgie for that.
but i had a crush on data when i was in 5th grade too
shall we talk about YOUR adventures in the realm of fashion?!?! two words: "loligoth cosplay." oh yeah.
yvette: Oui oui, Madame.
mrs. peacock: No, no, I just have to powder my nose.
did you ever see "trekkies" the documentary? when she's showing the her and data porn people sent her? geeueuuggh.
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