I want a boy who....
- listens to a variety of music... fast stuff, fun stuff, more mellow stuff
- will lay in the grass with me and watch the sky
- drink away all their problems with me and hold me close so I know the world is on my side
- bring me diet coke when they know I'm out and dying of thirst
- is spontaneous
- will watch Back to the Future with me over and over. And then ask if I want to watch Lord of the Rings special editions all in a row
- won't mind when i get discouraged but edge me on
- will call me just to say goodnight
- who make me something just to show they care - like a big birthday card or something lol
- who holds my hand when there is a thunderstorm
- who will run with me even when it's raining
I want a boy... yeah I do.
by the way - don't tell anyone I was that mushy. ; )