better late than never

May 01, 2015 20:49

So I'm sure most of you who still read my fic know, but I'm making an "official" announcement/post. My fic can now be found at elastic_4. You can find my fics under this tag.

Fics will be locked eventually, so you should definitely join/watch the comm if you're interested. I'm unsure what I'll be doing with this journal(probably random spazzing), but I might be moving some of my fic to the comm and locking them here.

There will be a joint masterlist at the comm but I will be keeping my masterlist here updated to keep my fics more organized.

So yeah. Thanks to all of you who have friended this journal and commented and read on my entries. Your support has been overwhelming this past year and it has really meant a lot to me :)

To finish, have some of my awesomely adorkable ot3

what was the point of this again?, how can this be both creepy and cute?, i need donghae's hands iml, adorkability at it's finest, no one ever talks about donghae's hands, i need donghae's pants iml, !not fic, hyukjae you sexy freaky beast, super junior's dance moves are snazy, kyu's hands, screw that i need donghae iml, kyu's sweat glistens

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