Title: Lucius, The Dope Whore
Characters: Lucius Malfoy / some random Deatheater, maybe MacNair
Rating: PG-13 for implied drug use.
Media: Pencil and Ballpoint pen
Notes: So, this is for
coldbeverage for the hp art xchange. So, I didn't color it, sorry about that. I think it might have looked better in color... I know you asked for a sexy black eye... but I'm afraid it didn't exactly come out very sexy. Sigh. I hope you like it anyway.. as for the pop culture portion of the challenge... um... drugs are pop culture-y. AND. If you look closely, you will notice that Lucius is really none other than... DAVID BOWIE!!!
Just so people know, the request was for A beat up looking Lucius with drugs, who's in some sort of trouble or another. So here's Lucius, that's a black eye and a split lip and then that's like... McNair or someone in the background there. He's Lucius' 'dealer' or whatever, but he never wants money, he only wants one thing from Lucius and Lucius is ready to give it to him. So just now Lucius has shot up, but suddenly his Mark begins to burn and... blah blah blah... you can make up your own story from there, cause I suck. I'm afraid the background really sucks as it is, that's the part that worries me the most, it needs to be toned down so Lucius is more prominent or something. Oh well, I guess. Gift art is scary. :(
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Haha... those boxers suck. I should have just left him nude.
Yo. Thanks for stopping by and comments and stuff are appreciated greatly.