Can't see straight anymore

Jan 19, 2009 01:58

Just when you think you've recovered from your wisdom teeth removal, ya get hit with some random pain and swelling. It may very well be my own fault since I didn't finish off my course of antibiotics (yeah, stupid, I know. You ALWAYS finish your antibiotics). But... If I really wanted to push it off onto another reason (oh, the irony), I can blame that damn cooked carrot that I chomped down on wrong a few days ago... yes, a carrot. Shocking. But I gave it a chance because it was in a nice, delicious bowl of yellow curry. Now I just have one more reason to loathe the orange sticks.
Apparently acetaminophen doesn't do well with alcohol (and there was alcohol aplenty at Michelle's bachelorette party last night), so I was told to take Motrin instead. Now I have to wait for it to flush out of my system completely before I can take the Tylenol I've been eyeballing with such longing since the Motrin wore off. ...But I've also heard and read about the flip side to this... that there really is no bad reaction to worry about between ibuprofen and acetaminophen... Either way, because of my uncertainty, I'm waiting. Sigh.
Add to this the fact that my cheeks now look like I'm storing food for the winter. Tis a riot. But not really. ::rage:: But really it is... Gotta laugh at all of this. And then call the oral surgeon in the morning...

On a lighter note, I declare Michelle's bachelorette party a success! Mostly, at least, heh. There were a lot of hilarious mishaps.

I feel a little awkward listening to this song outside of a club setting, but I must admit, it's a bit catchy. It's all the Bonham's fault.

More on the party, with pictures later (aka after Christian's bachelor party. Not that anything scandalous happened at all, but still). It's past 2am and I need to somehow haul myself to campus by 8am for a trip to Enchanted Rock. I'll probably still be sporting the chipmunk cheeks too... bummer.
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