Oct 06, 2004 12:59
I have returned. Like Odesseus to Ithaca I have made my arduous journey back to the land of the internet and lj. My trials were many, and mostly fictional. Twas in the 9th month of two double-aught 4 that the black plague did sweep across my computer and tarry therein until the Knights of Network Templar did quarantine my machine from intercourse across the web, in the interest of the common good. But for I, a cure needed to be found, and for that, an RCC needed to be acquisitioned anon! Astride BattleCat I traversed the mountain of eagles, fighting barbarians and befriending an old Mongolian man who told me of his god. After saving the sister from "The Wonder Years" from certain peril at the hands of Wilt Chamberlain, Mayday, The Joker's friend Bob and I did wail upon the portal of Barry, Destroyer of Viruses for some thirteen minutes until, at length, the elusive prey did sprint from his hole of hiding and elude us yonder under cover of the night's dark veil. But a dart of parylization shot from the dragon-hide bow of one wood-elf known only to the village folk as "Greg" did stay the offending computer guy in his path and render him forever shackled to my will, which was forsooth to fix my damn computer. And anon he did remedy the virus, battling Korgo, The Eater of Files with his flaming Sword of Norton and venturing forth to yonder cave to play cards with his homies on an overturned box. And I, first among the Trojans, exiled from the lofty walls of Chattanooga by the will of the Hacker Gods and laden with many hardships did return at last to the sacred hearth of my "E-Machine" to regail my companions with and pass on to my descendants an account of my deeds!