Feb 23, 2009 12:52
Oscar: like I always says, pimpin' ain't easy. you gotta do time if you do the crime
Kat: fo shizz
Oscar: the worst is when you are down to your last 3 bullets and it's friday night and you can't make it to the sporting good store, pisses me of like a hooker with a knee scab!
Kat: hahahah
i love you : )
Oscar: And then some how leaks juices on the leather seats of your ride and you gotta get some leather cleaner, dab it and hope the stain comes off! Damn, I swear, I wish I was gay sometimes!
Kat: thats a whole different set of stain though
Oscar: yo, if I had a man, the man juice would just dry and flake off. Bitch juice be some tenacious shit!
Kat: hahahaha
Oscar: then they want a ride to the clinic! WTF, I just need them to turn Johns, is taht so much to ask!
Kat: bitches aint shit man
Oscar: it's not like I wont buy them a burger once in a while, especially if the meth has kept them up for days, but damn, buy a bitch a burger and next thing she wants new panties, or to see her kids!