Aug 15, 2008 08:39
1. my sister has been in town since Tuesday and i have done more in this week than i think i did in the past two months. i always feel like i have to entertain her even though she seems pretty happy to sit around in a bookstore all day.
*Tacos at Palomar
*The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
*Olympics on TV
*Baseball on TV
*The Boardwalk (including but not limited to: Corn dogs, the Giant Dipper 3 times, Bumper Cars of the Future, Rock'n'Roll Cars)
*Late night shopping at Safeway for SNACKS
*Early rising for a Dr's Apt that got postponed til NEXT week
*Bad Ass Coffee drinking and chatting and Olympics watching (accompanied by the most annoying child on the planet)
*Logos and Borders browsing
*Terry getting lost on Pacific even with a map
*Raspberry Muffin
*Dinner and Juno with James and Erica at the pink house
*Singing dumb song in the dark while waiting for a bus
*a mild discussion of Hiney Wipes
*general goofing around
She is supposed to come up and have lunch with me and Wendy today, as well, which should be pleasant. I always forget how much i enjoy her company until we get to spend time together. sadly she is leaving tonight... boo. i miss her already. im going to be mopey for a couple days..
2. On a completely different note, I've been having ridiculously vivid dreams again. I went about a week where I couldn't remember anything and now i'm back to remembering almost everything.
Wednesday nights dream: Terry and I went downtown Thursday morning, as planned, for breakfast at Zachary's before my Dr's apt. We are standing on the street, waiting our turn, and a man walks up and stabs Terry twice, once in the chest and once in the lower abdomen/stomach area before walking calmly away. For some reason, I'm not able to get between the two of them and stop it so she drops and blood is everywhere. I'm calling for help and no one is even noticing anything is happening. People are walking around us but not seeing us. I'm sobbing and terry is sobbing cause shes dying. The only thing I can think to do is pick her up and run her over to martins since it was so close. I guess I thought that maybe he would see / hear us unlike everyone else? I don't know. Somehow I was able to pick her up and RUN her to martins (everyone is still ignoring us). I put her down in the patio and start shouting for him. He ends up getting a pillow and towel for her and calling 911 (for some reason I dont have me cell phone which i ALWAYS have..) while Im sobbing for her not to die and to stay awake and shes sobbing cause of the pain. The ambulance shows up and we go to the hospital and I ask martin to call my parents cause I cant speak cause im crying so much. terry goes through the double doors at dominican by the fish pond (which is not anywhere near the ER) and martin says he doesnt want to call them cause he doesnt know what to say. in the dream i got really really angry about that and started shouting at him about how i called his parents when i didnt know what to say and that i just needed him to do this for me cause i couldnt do it cause i needed it to be someone calmer than me and he said hed do it. James and Erica showed up at some point too though I dont know why. They were holding hands, which i dont think ive ever seen them do, but they never let go of each others hands. my parents showed up too but in separate cars and I never saw terry again in the dream, but when I woke up i remembered it all.
the creepiest thing about it was that it was all so vivid and real. the smells and colors were all exactly as they are in real life. terry was wearing a shirt i know she owns. i had my flats on and my necklace and everything. i heard my dads truck pull up to the hospital. i have dreams about people I love getting hurt a lot but never anything like this. ever. it was trippy.
Thursday nights dream: (keep in mind i watched Juno right before i went to bed) I'm pregnant. About 4 months i think it was. I'm at a school that looks like Chabot Elementary except its upper classes (college?). something happens and an alarm goes off. I'm not sure if it was a fire or what but everyone was told to evacuate. I'm leaving and martin and his roommate (he doesn't have a roommate) show up and are like "lets go" so i got with them in my "fragile state" and we get in a van/truck. I say van/truck because from the outside its a 4 door white ford truck but when you get in its a 4 door Kia van like my parents have. martin was in the passenger front and his roommate who was wearing baggy pants was driving. i sat behind martin but barely fit because of the passenger seat being reclined so far that it pushed against my pregnant stomach. so martin moves the seat up and we start driving and i realize I have to pee really badly so they drive me to a mall except (this is their logic) because I'm pregnant they are going to DRIVE INTO THE MALL into a Macy's/Best Buy hybrid (baby clothes and what not right next to huge TVs and video games) in their huge truck/van to get me closer so i don't have to walk as far. A sales lady starts flipping out (OF COURSE) and they both run off to find me a bathroom while I stand around being pregnant. other things happen but i don't remember much of that. other people showed up, too, like Leah and Terry and my old friend Caitlin (in a swimsuit) but I cant remember why.
It was a very bizarre dream to say the least.
3. Still looking for housing. Looking with Meghan but theres not a lot out there right now that is suitable to both our needs. its starting to seem like it might be easier to look separately... bah.
4. I dont get to dog-sit next week. Adriennes new job is starting monday so instead of taking the temp job in Monterey and staying with her cousin, she will be staying in santa cruz and driving to san jose daily. im pretty disappointed, but happy for her.
5. JASON THE CON IS MOVING OUT OF MY HOUSE AND I AM SO HAPPY I MIGHT PEE! this means that a new tenant (most likely a student) will be moving in.
6. I finally got up the guts to call a therapist and, wouldnt you know it, i got a voicemail. left a message. hopefully she'll call back before i chicken out and decide not to go through with it. hopefully.
7. i dont know what im going to do this weekend. i know what i want to do but i dont think its going to happen so i have to make my own plans. i tried making things happen that I want to happen but people are too good at having free will. meghans in town this weekend so i might get to see her. i also might go soak at well within, but im not sure yet. we'll see i guess...
ALSO THIS: Thank you for pinpointing the fact that I am having a Quarter Life Crisis.
Today's Horoscope. Friday, Aug 15th, 2008 -- It's hard to see where your life is leading these days, yet you believe that you would be happier if you knew for sure. Your thoughts are weighted down by responsibilities, so it's difficult to imagine a solution to your current blues. Paradoxically, accepting the truth as it is -- even if it's less than your ideal -- can put an end to your moodiness.
thats it.