Leah: i will take a picture of some giant at the game and post it on facebook then tag you. not to indicate that you are a man....just that you like the giants. also by some giant it might just be "bat boy". ..they tend to be kind of adorable
Me: lincecum please
hes dreamy! : )
Leah: true story. my goal is jealousy on all accounts. actually just boys. i like when boys are jealous of me.
Me: hahaha
Leah: no matter the outcome i'll be a graceful and lovely person. and if people with yamulkes and new york accents ask why i am not spitting mad about a loss, i will say it's because kat is also a november 7 baby
and then...they will be confused
Me: it is the only way after all <3
Leah: all true
i have to say - if i had to watch the mets play an NL west team...giants are way more fun than dodgers. (dodgers are poop)
Me: dodger suuuck
Leah: (and saying that makes me sound reallly smart and mature)
padres are pretty poop too. im seeing them in august with my friend who's a dodger fan cos she doesnt really know better (or anything at all)
because she's from san diego
Me: eww
san diego
Leah: the only thing they have going for them is anchorman
and that was in the 60s
.....and fiction
Me: hahahaha!
Leah: josh rudd smells like a sexy panther.
Me: hahah!
50% of the time, it works 100% of the time
Leah: omg. they are doing a "giambi moustache give-away"
im afraid of yankees stadium. officially
Me: !!!
Leah: how do u give away a moustache? and why didnt freddy mercury get in on that action. (cos he just offered stache RIDES)
Me: hah
i dont know duder
it seems pretty awesome though
Me: my dad: it's a really cheesy 70's porn stache too
Leah: it sooo is
Me: my dad wants you to get him a beer cup
i said you lived there
he doesnt see the problem
"have her send you one then!"
silly dads
Leah: a real treat would be i'll somehow go to yankee stadium for the give-away and win the moustache (in whatever form - hopefully not it-will-magically-grow-on-your-face-over-night) and ship it off....beer cup and moustache.
dads are very silly
Me: hahahah!