Title: Heartless life (2/?)
Pairings/characters: Jack/Ianto, the Doctor, Donna, Torchwood team
Rating: PG-15
Spoilers: post A Day in the Death and Doctor Who season 4
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or doctor who.
Summary: Would you give up your heart for the person you love?
Author's Notes: My first attempted at Torchwood fanfiction, English is not my first language so if you find any rare thing along the way just let me know :P
Thanks to
captain_bdsm for being my beta
prologue chapter 1 Chapter 2
Donna looked at the Doctor while he ignored her and concentrated on his work once again after she had hit him with the flying magazine, and now she had nothing to read. So she started to tap her fingers against her leg, she couldn’t blame him, after all she wanted was to get out of here and visit a new planet soon, probably one with a spa.
She continued to tap her fingers tap tap tap and she started to imagine all the possible sceneries that came to her mind; involving massages and slices of cucumbers over her eyes or the alien equivalent of that. She huffed and lifted her head to look at the alien who was working on the ship that was going to take them to a new destination or so she hoped.
But as she watched the Doctor's antics with the several wires that came out of the consoles ship, she noticed something at the corner of her eye, so she turned her head to the right and looked in surprised at the man who was standing at the Doctor’s right.
She opened her mouth to speak, but she just couldn’t say anything at all, while she watched at the man who was there she took in everything she could see, the black suit with white stripes, the blue eyes and the young face that stared at nothing; but as she kept on looking, she started to feel something strange in her right pocket, it was so warm that it could heat all her body at once.
But as she started to classify the new feeling that course through her body, she glanced at the little stain that was in the man’s chest, it was so small like a drop of water in red but for some reason she couldn’t stop looking and while she did it, the stain started to get bigger and she could only gasp when she realized what she was really seeing, it was blood.
Lost in the sighting that it was in front of her, she didn’t hear the Doctor speaking to her and she couldn’t watch as he turned his head to look in the direction she was seeing, she wanted to scream don’t do it, don’t watch but she just couldn’t.
The Doctor looked at the man who was inside his ship, he took a step forward in his direction until he realized he was stuck in the wires, while he lowered his head to untangle the mess he was in, the man said one word.
‘Jack’ and the doctor’s hearts jumped.
He looked up at the man’s eyes, so blue and young but at the same time so old. He left the wires behind and he walked to the man who was in front of him, the man who wasn’t there at all. He could feel it in the fabric of time and what he was seeing right now was only an image and nothing else, it was what sometimes people saw and called a ghost, and images of time, of what it was or what it was going to come and he hoped for the later, he hoped he had the chance to save the boy who was in his ship.
‘Hello’ he said to him as the stain got bigger and bigger, and he knew he couldn’t stop it, he could only watch.
The man didn’t seem to hear him at all, he was looking down at his chest where his heart was but it wasn’t a look of horror or fear, it was just pure acceptance at what was happening to him.
But the Doctor wasn’t planning to give up, because this was his only opportunity to find out more about him and gave him a possibility although tiny to save this man. He could only hope that what he was seeing right now was just a possible future.
So he stood in front of him and as he prepared to talk, the man lifted his head and looked at him right in the eye, but what surprised him was the recognition he could see there.
‘You’re the Doctor’ he said, while he put both hands over his bleeding heart. And the first word that came out of the man’s mouth rang through his mind Jack
The Doctor looked at his companion, sitting quickly on the Tardis floor so unlike him but at the same time he could understand the feeling, it didn’t matter that the world had been saved or that nobody remembered what had happened there were things to do and resting wasn’t one of them.
So the doctor looked at Jack, at the man he had left behind, he took in the dirty clothes, the disheveled hair and the lower head that was watching the floor. He took a deep breath and he decided that just for a minute he could rest, the world could wait for a while.
He walked to his old companion and sat right next to him with his back resting on the Tardis wall and closed his eyes.
Moments later he could feel Jack doing the same, so he turned his head to the side and looked at him. But Jack was to preoccupied doing something else, he was looking at an object that was resting between his fingers, from where the Doctor could see, it was a small photograph but the most intriguing thing wasn’t the object itself it was his expression, one he had never saw on his companion’s face before.
So he tried to look closer, and there it was the reason behind Jack’s smile, it was the photograph of a man sitting on a sofa writing on a notebook and nothing else.
But he knew he couldn’t see what Jack saw in the picture, because it wasn’t what was in it, it was the feeling behind it.
‘Take me home doctor’ And now he was looking at him and suddenly he realized the word that Jack had used ‘home’ and the doctor smiled.
Now he could remember, he had seen this boy before, inside a small photograph resting in the captain’s hands. But no name came with the new information and time was getting shorter.
He was smiling at him, not caring about the wound that was taking his life and he said.
‘He’s not wrong, he is just only human’ And with a smile the image disappeared from sight, but the doctor just stood there looking to the place where the man had been a moment ago.
Thinking fast, he turned around and took control of the Tardis console, and she came to life preparing them for their next trip.
He looked at Donna who was still lost looking behind his shoulder.
‘Donna, Donna’ At hearing her name being called, she looked at the Doctor, a little confuse at the recent event but before she could asked what had happened, she looked at the doctor’s smile or as she had classified it the crazy smile, the smile that made you smile and assure you that not matter what everybody lived.
So Donna smiled, because they were going to travel and saved a life.
‘Next stop, Cardiff, Torchwood’