Challenge 09: Icon Set

Feb 11, 2019 02:07

CHALLENGE 09: Icon Set

Description Your challenge is to create a set of icons. This means your entries must have a common theme of your choice throughout them all.

The uniting theme can be whatever you want: a type of cropping, a type of coloring, a character, an episode, the possibilities are endless. As long as the theme is used in all five icons, you can choose whatever you want! (Please mention when you submit what the theme of your set is.)

Points 26 TOTAL
+5 points per icon (max 5 icons = 25 points)
+1 point for sigtag when submitting
Due Date February 25, 11:59 PM CST
Submitting Submit to your team threads with your icons and explanation of what your set is. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread.”

challenge, type: icons

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