Challenge 016: Screencap Meme

Oct 29, 2015 01:29


Description Based on this meme, find screencaps that fit the themes listed below. There are two ways you can do this. Option A: Simply find screencaps that fit the themes and Option B: Either in picspam form or larger banners, edit the coloring, lighting, sharpness, etc. of caps that fit the theme. Work done to the images must be ( Read more... )

challenge, round06

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QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) watchpoint October 29 2015, 06:29:41 UTC


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) wagrobanite October 29 2015, 10:41:01 UTC
Just curious, how can option a be worth up to 30 points when you only get one point per screencap and there are 15 things.. that's only 15 points, 16 at the most with a sig tag?


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) watchpoint October 29 2015, 10:47:00 UTC
Because you can submit up to 30 caps. :)


Re: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) wagrobanite October 29 2015, 11:53:21 UTC
ok, I didn't see that for option A, only for option B, hence my confusion


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) wagrobanite November 8 2015, 21:30:10 UTC
Sorry, still a little confused, so if I do option A, I submit two screencaps to get 30 points?


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) watchpoint November 8 2015, 22:11:35 UTC
You can submit 30 caps that fit the themes/prompts. There is no limit on how many can be done per theme/prompt.


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) entwashian October 29 2015, 14:05:52 UTC
Is there a minimum number of prompts we have to fill? Or could we theoretically use the same prompt for all 30 points?


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) watchpoint October 29 2015, 14:32:32 UTC
No minimum but one. :)


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) adsullatta October 29 2015, 16:54:17 UTC
I watch a lot of anime, can we use 2D screencaps or do these have to be live-action?


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) watchpoint October 29 2015, 19:38:14 UTC
Anime caps are perfectly fine. (And I'd say all screencaps are 2-D!)


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) teaotter October 29 2015, 19:13:21 UTC
So we either do all Option A, or all Option B?

Also, for Option B, each picspam is at least 15 points (because it has to contain at least 6 images), increasing by 5 points for every 2 additional images. So:

6 images = 15 points
8 images = 20 points


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) watchpoint October 29 2015, 19:35:36 UTC
All of this is correct. :)


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) gallaghers October 29 2015, 20:02:14 UTC
If we choose to do a picspam with 6 images that would mean we'd need to make 4 for the full points, right?


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) watchpoint October 29 2015, 22:07:59 UTC
Picspams can be more than 6 images so 20 images divided in whatever way gets you full points. Like, you could have one 8-image picspam and 2 6-image picspams or 2 10-images picspams, etc. It just needs to have at least 6 images to qualify as a picspam. :)


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) luminousdaze October 29 2015, 23:27:56 UTC
Since part of this challenge includes a screencap scavenger hunt, am I correct in assuming we shouldn't use episode stills or photos/promotional photos for this, even for the picspam option?


RE: QUESTIONS (SCREENCAP MEME) watchpoint October 30 2015, 02:30:19 UTC
For Option B, you could potentially use episode stills or promotional photos if you want, partially because it's likely I won't be able to tell if you've done it or not. For Option B, you're welcome to do whatever you want with the challenge as long as it fits one of the provided themes. For Option A, they must be screencaps. :)


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